Garden view
Explore UBC Botanical Garden's Plant Collections!
The mission of UBC Botanical Garden (est. 1916) is to assemble, curate and maintain a documented collection of temperate plants for the purposes of research, conservation, education, community outreach and public display.
This site is intended to give information on the plants within the Garden's collections and grounds. For information on UBC Botanical Garden as a visitor destination, please visit UBC Botanical Garden's main web site.

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Map of UBC Botanical Garden
UBC Botanical Garden has significant wild-collected collections of:
  • Acer (maples) from Europe, Asia and North America
  • montane flora of the world
  • Clematis from Asia
  • climbing plants
  • Cornus (dogwoods) from Asia and North America
  • ferns & fern allies
  • Lardizabalaceae (zabala fruit family) from Asia
  • Magnolia from Asia and North America
  • Rhododendron from Europe, Asia and North America
  • Sorbus (mountain ash) from Asia and North America
  • Styracaceae (storax family) from Asia and eastern North America
  • vascular plants from rainforest, Garry oak and alpine ecosystems of British Columbia
In addition, the Garden has excellent collections of cultivated taxa of Magnolia, Rhododendron, alpine flora of the world, and bamboos.
Please note: to help researchers and students, this site includes some native on-site flora, weeds, and mosses in addition to the plants cultivated in the Garden. It does not include nursery plants. If you are looking for additional information, please contact